Why Do Possums Play Dead? (Answered)

There are all sorts of tricks that animals use to protect themselves from predators. One of the most interesting is the way possums play dead. So why do possums play dead?

Most predators don’t want to eat an animal that’s already dead, so they usually move on if they see an possum’s lifeless body on the ground. This behavior, known as “playing possum,” is the most effective way possums have to protect themselves.

Playing possum can be a matter of life and death for an possum. When faced with danger, they enter into a catatonic state in which their body becomes completely limp and unresponsive. Their heart rate and breathing slow down, and their lips pull back in what looks like a horrifying grin. They may stay in this state for several minutes or even up to six hours. This is usually enough of a deterrent for most predators, who then move on to find easier prey.

why do possums play dead?

Why Do Possums Play Dead?

Possums use playing dead as a way to bluff their way out of a difficult situation. By playing dead, they can trick potential predators into thinking that they are already dead and too dangerous to eat. This gives the possum time to escape and find a safe place to hide until the danger has passed.

“Playing possum” is an instinctive behavior for possums, and it serves them well. By being able to fool predators into thinking they’re dead, possums are better able to protect themselves and make it safely through another day.

Playing dead is an instinctive behavior that helps the possum survive in its environment by convincing potential predators that they are already dead and too dangerous to eat. This allows the possum to safely escape and seek shelter until the danger has passed. Ultimately, playing possum is a smart strategy that helps keep possums safe in their natural habitat.

What Does a Possum Look Like When They’re Playing Dead?

A possum playing dead will look like it is completely lifeless. Its body goes limp, its breathing slows down, and it may even close its eyes or stare off into space. It may also bare its teeth in what looks like an eerie grin or snarl. The possum may stay in this state for several minutes or up to six hours. When it is ready to move again, the possum will slowly come out of its trance and move away from the danger.

When threatened by a predator, the possum drops to the ground and either closes its eyes or stares into space. Its body goes limp, breathing appears to stop, it discharges its bowels, the tongue still out, and it begins to drool.

What Does a Possum Do When it Plays Dead?

When a possum plays dead, it will appear to be completely lifeless. Its body will go limp, its breathing slows down and it may even close its eyes or stare off into space. It may also bare its teeth in what looks like an eerie grin or snarl. This is known as being in a state of thanatosis.

The possum can remain in this state for several minutes or up to four hours. When it is ready to move again, the possum will slowly come out of its trance and move away from the danger.

Do Possums Play Dead With Their Eyes Open?

Possums may play dead with their eyes open or closed. Generally, when a possum is in a state of thanatosis, it will close its eyes and appear to be asleep. However, some possums may keep their eyes open for the duration of the trance. This is thought to be a way of keeping them aware of their surroundings and ready to move at the slightest sign of danger.

Do Possums Poop When They Play Dead?

Yes, possums may poop when they play dead. When a possum enters a state of thanatosis, it can involuntarily discharge its bowels. The purpose of this is to make itself appear as unappealing and undesirable as possible in an effort to deter predators. However, not all possums will poop when they play dead.

How to Tell if a Possum is Playing Dead

Signs of a possum playing dead.
Signs of a possum playing dead.

It can be difficult to tell when a possum is playing dead since they look so lifeless. If you see a possum that appears to be dead or unresponsive, the best thing to do is observe from a distance. It’s important not to touch it or move it as this may startle the possum and cause it to wake up.

If you see a possum that has been playing dead for a while, you may be able to tell by observing its breathing and movements. If it is still and not moving, it may be playing possum. Its body should look stiff or rigid, with no signs of movement or breathing. If the possum starts to move or take in a breath, it is likely coming out of its trance and should be left alone.

Although it may seem strange, playing dead is a very effective defense mechanism for possums. By fooling predators into thinking they are already dead, possums can escape unharmed and find shelter. This behavior helps keep them safe in their natural environment and ensures that they will live to see another day.

How Long Does a Possum Play Dead?

A possum playing dead can last anywhere from 40 minutes to four hours. However, the length of time will vary depending on the intensity of the situation and how long it takes for the predator to lose interest. Generally, a possum will play dead until it is safe enough for them to move away and find shelter.

Do Possums Feel Pain When They Play Dead?

A possum does not feel pain when it goes into a state of thanatosis or plays dead. In this state, the possum will remain unconscious and will not wake up or respond to the predator. Even if the possum is being swatted at, or bitten, or its bones are being broken, this involuntary action will protect the possum from feeling or experiencing any pain.

Possums use their ability to “play dead” as a last-resort defense mechanism when they are in danger. By appearing lifeless, they can often escape with little harm and find shelter elsewhere. Although it is difficult to tell when a possum is playing dead, you can tell by its breathing and movements. If the possum is still and not moving, it may be playing possum. Just make sure to leave the possum alone if you think this is the case so that it can come out of its trance when it feels safe again.


Playing possum is an incredibly effective defense mechanism for possums, and it can be used to protect them from predators in the wild. By appearing lifeless, they can often escape with little harm and find shelter elsewhere. This behavior helps keep them safe in their natural environment and ensures that they will live to see another day.

It’s important to remember that if you come across a possum playing dead, leave it alone so that it can come out of its trance when it feels safe again. With this knowledge in mind, we should all appreciate just how clever these animals are at adapting to survive!

Why do possums play dead?

Possums play dead as a survival mechanism. When they are threatened by predators, they enter a catatonic state, which makes them seem unappetizing to predators and deters them from attacking.

How can I tell if a possum is playing dead?

You can tell if a possum is playing dead by gently poking it with a stick or checking its breathing. If it’s truly playing dead, it will not react to the poke, and its breathing will be shallow and slow.

How long can a possum play dead?

Possums can play dead for anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the level of stress and perceived danger.

Can possums play dead with their eyes open?

Yes, possums can play dead with their eyes open. When they enter a catatonic state, their eyes may remain open, but they are not consciously aware of their surroundings.

What should I do if I find a possum playing dead?

If you find a possum playing dead, the best thing to do is to leave it alone. It will naturally come out of its catatonic state once it feels that the threat has passed. However, if you need to move the possum for safety reasons, try gently picking it up by the tail and moving it to a safer location.

Do possums feel pain when they play dead?

It’s not entirely clear whether possums feel pain when they play dead. However, it’s believed that they enter a state of shock that may numb them to pain. Additionally, playing dead is a defense mechanism that is designed to protect the possum from harm, so it’s possible that the possum’s body releases endorphins that block pain signals.

What does a possum do when it plays dead?

When a possum plays dead, it enters a catatonic state, goes limp, releases a foul-smelling odor, and may release its bowels and bladder. It will remain in this state until it feels that the threat has passed, at which point it will gradually come out of its catatonic state and resume normal behavior.

Do possums poop when they play dead?

Yes, possums may release their bowels and bladder when they play dead. This is a defense mechanism that is designed to deter predators.

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