Does Cayenne Pepper Keep Rats Away? (Yes, To An Extent)

Does Cayenne Pepper Keep Rats Away? (Yes, To An Extent)

Does cayenne pepper keep rats away? If you’ve ever wondered whether this zesty spice can be used as a rat repellent, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll learn about rat behavior, the theory behind cayenne pepper’s potential effectiveness, and whether it truly holds the power to ward off these pesky rodents — or if…

Norway Rats: Size, Dangers, and How to Get Rid of Them

Norway Rats: Size, Dangers, and How to Get Rid of Them

Norway rats, also known as brown rats, are one of the most common rat species in the world. These rodents can cause significant damage to property and pose serious health risks to humans and animals. Therefore, it is crucial to control their population and prevent infestations. In this article, we will discuss the size of…

How Big Can Rats Get? Understanding Rat Size, Behavior, and Prevention Tips

How Big Can Rats Get? Understanding Rat Size, Behavior, and Prevention Tips

If you’ve ever dealt with a rat infestation in your home or have pet rats of your own, you may be wondering: how big can rats get? Rats are a common household pest that can cause damage to property and spread diseases, and understanding their size is an important step in preventing and managing infestations….

How High Can Rats Jump? (Amazing Jumping Abilities of Rats)

How High Can Rats Jump? (Amazing Jumping Abilities of Rats)

Just how high can rats jump? Rats are known for their incredible athleticism and agility, and the brown rat is no exception. Researchers have conducted tests on these rodents to determine their jumping abilities, and the results have been impressive. Brown rats can jump up to 77 centimeters, or nearly 2.5 feet, off the ground,…

What Can Rats Eat? (Diet of Unwelcome Guests)

What Can Rats Eat? (Diet of Unwelcome Guests)

Rats are omnivores, meaning they can eat both plants and animals. Typical rat diets consist of fruits, vegetables, nuts, insects, eggs and meat. Rats also feed on grains, seeds, pet food and birdseed. They may even scavenge scrounge for scraps in your garbage or compost bin. Overindulging in sugary treats or fatty snacks may lead…