Are Opossums Bad To Have Around? (Answered)

Opossums are often considered pests, but they can be beneficial in many ways. They are very efficient at controlling the populations of other animals, such as rodents and insects. Opossums also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, which helps to spread those seeds throughout the forest.

Despite their benefits, opossums can be dangerous if they feel threatened. They have sharp teeth and claws, which can cause a lot of damage to humans or animals that try to approach them. There are also a few diseases opossums carry. If you come across a wild possum, it’s always best to keep your distance and leave it alone.

It’s important to note that the correct term for this creature is “opossum,” not “possum.” Possums are actually an entirely different species found in Australia, New Zealand, and surrounding islands. While opossums are native to North America.

Are Opossums Bad?

This is a common question that many people have when it comes to opossums. The answer is not as black and white as you may think. While opossums can potentially cause property damage, they are generally considered beneficial animals due to their role in controlling pests and maintaining the local ecosystem.

In fact, some species are even listed as endangered or threatened and are protected by law in certain areas. Therefore, although there may be specific circumstances where opossums are bad, they are generally harmless and can provide valuable benefits for your garden or yard.

Ultimately, it’s important to take into consideration all of the positive attributes of these creatures before deciding whether or not you should get rid of them from your home.

Are Opossums Dangerous?

Opossums are not generally considered dangerous animals, but they do have the potential to cause injuries if they feel threatened. They do have sharp teeth and claws that can inflict a painful bite or scratch, so you should always be careful when approaching one. It’s also important to note that opossums do carry several diseases such as rabies and leptospirosis, although rabies is very rare in opossums.

Are Opossums Bad to Have Around?

The answer is no, opossums are not inherently bad creatures to have around. However, they are wild animals and should be treated with respect.

While they are generally harmless and can provide some benefits in your yard or garden, it’s important to keep them away from your pets and any food sources such as bird feeders. Opossums are also known to carry ticks and other parasites which could cause harm. Therefore, you should take the necessary precautions when dealing with a possum on your property.

Additionally, if you are concerned about a possum damaging your home or property, it is best to contact a wildlife removal service for help. They will be able to remove the animal safely without causing any harm to it or its habitat.

Are Opossums Bad To Have Around Your House?

Are opossums bad?
Family of opossums in a tree

No, opossums are not inherently bad to have around your house. However, it is important to take the necessary precautions when dealing with them.

Opossums are wild animals and can potentially cause damage if they are given access to your home or food sources such as bird feeders. You should also be aware that opossums are known to carry ticks and other parasites which could be harmful to humans and pets. Therefore, you should take the necessary steps to prevent a possum from entering your home or getting close enough to harm your pets or family members.

If you are concerned about a possum damaging your property, it is best to contact a wildlife removal service for help in removing the animal safely without causing any harm to it or its habitat.

Pros and Cons of Opossums

There are a few pros and cons opossums being on your property. However, the cons generally outweigh the pros. Although opossums are great for the local environment, they can also wreak all sorts of havoc on your property.

Pros of Opossums

  • Opossums are generally harmless and beneficial to the local environment.
  • They are important for controlling pest populations, such as rats and cockroaches.
  • Opossums are listed as endangered or threatened in some areas, so it is important to protect them from harm.
  • They can also help with the pollination of plants and are excellent scavengers who are important for helping to keep the environment clean.

Cons of Opossums

  • Opossums can cause damage to property if they are given access to buildings or food sources.
  • They are known to carry ticks and other parasites which could be harmful to humans and pets.
  • In some cases, they may need to be removed from a property through professional wildlife removal services.

Do Possums Have Fleas?

Opossums can have fleas, although it’s important to note that the species of flea found on opossums are typically different than those found on cats and dogs. Fleas can be an annoyance if they get into your house, but they are usually not a serious health risk.

Fleas, ticks, mice and lice may infest them. Urban areas are especially susceptible to infestations of cat and dog fleas that can be harboured by opossums. This flea-infested population of opossums is an alarming public health risk, as they are prime hosts for the spread of flea-borne typhus.

Preventing opossums from entering your home in the first place is an effective way to reduce the chance of fleas getting inside. Opossums do not typically enter homes on their own, so it’s important to do a thorough inspection of the property for any potential entry points that may be allowing them access. If you do spot an opossum on your property, contact a professional animal control service for assistance in humanely removing it from the area.

Do Opossums Get Rabies?

It’s uncommon for opossums to carry rabies, but it can happen. While opossums do not naturally contract rabies as often as other animals, they are still susceptible to the virus and can pass it on to humans and other animals if they do become infected.

If you do find an opossum that appears ill or is behaving strangely, do not approach it and contact your local animal control agency as soon as possible. They will be able to assess the situation and determine whether or not the animal is a threat to people or other animals.

Signs of Opossums in Your Yard

If you suspect that opossums have taken up residence in your yard, there are a few signs you can look for:

  • Damage to plants and trees due to their foraging habits.
  • Scratching or chirping noises coming from underneath decks or porches.
  • Droppings around the property, which can be large and black with a white tip.
  • Sightings of an opossum, either during the day or night as they do not have strict sleeping times like other animals do.

It is important to remember that opossums can carry fleas so if you do spot one on your property it is best to contact a professional animal control service for assistance in humanely removing it from the area.

What Do Opossums Eat?

Opossums are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. In the wild, opossums feed on insects, fruits, vegetables, eggs, small mammals and birds. They can also be attracted to pet food or other sources of easy nutrition in urban areas.

Opossums will eat scraps, from bird feeders, and garbage bins. They are scavengers that are not too picky about the foods that are available to them.

What are Opossums Good For?

Opossums are important for the environment, as they are excellent scavengers who help to keep the environment clean. They are also important for controlling pest populations, such as rats and cockroaches. Additionally, they are important pollinators of plants which are beneficial for the local ecosystem.

In some areas, opossums are listed as endangered or threatened and are protected by law. Therefore, it is important to respect their habitats and refrain from causing them any harm. By understanding their importance in the environment, we can help to protect these animals and their habitats so that future generations can enjoy them as well.

Are Opossums Dangerous to Dogs?

Opossums are not typically aggressive towards dogs and are unlikely to attack them. In most cases, if a possum is confronted by a dog it will do its best to escape but if escape is not possible then the threatened opossum may “play ‘possum”, show its teeth, or bite in self-defence.

Opossums are wild animals and can be unpredictable, so you should always take the necessary precautions when dealing with them. You should also keep your pets away from opossums as they are known to carry ticks and other parasites which could be harmful to animals as well as humans.

It is important to remember that opossums do have fleas, so if you do spot one on your property it is best to contact a professional animal control service for assistance in humanely removing it from the area. Additionally, do not attempt to handle or pick up an opossum yourself as they can bite in self-defense and may carry infectious diseases such as rabies.


Opossums are important for the environment and are usually not aggressive or dangerous toward dogs. However, it is still important to take the necessary precautions when dealing with these animals, as they are known to carry ticks and other parasites which could be harmful to humans and pets.

Additionally, if you are concerned about a possum damaging your property or coming into contact with your pet, it is best to contact a wildlife removal service for help. By understanding what opossums are good for and taking the necessary steps to prevent them from causing damage, you can enjoy their presence in your yard without worrying about any potential problems. This will help to protect these animals and their habitats so that future generations can enjoy them as well.

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