What Attracts Spiders in the House (How to Get Rid of Them)

What Attracts Spiders in the House (How to Get Rid of Them)

Spiders are attracted to your home for one or more of the following; food, warmth, light, plants and vegetation, gardens, and garbage. Many people are greatly concerned about spiders coming into their homes. Spiders, despite how hard you may try, can eventually breach your barrier and enter your property. These eight-legged beings seem to find…

Spider Poop: What Does It Look Like & What Does It Mean?

Spider Poop: What Does It Look Like & What Does It Mean?

Spider droppings look like a white, gray, brown, or black splat or drop the size of a pin head. Typically, spider droppings (or poop) are made up of a combination of digested insects and other waste products. You can find spider poop on surfaces in and around your home where you would find spiders. Spiders…