How Do Cockroaches Sleep

How Do Cockroaches Sleep? (And Where?)

Do cockroaches sleep? Unlike mammals, roaches enter into a state of immobility and rest (which can be likened to sleep). Most species of cockroaches are nocturnal, so they typically spend their days resting. The cycle of wakefulness and dormant periods is similar to the circadian rhythm humans experience.

All species, including roaches, have natural cycles that recur every 24 hours. These processes are called circadian rhythms and the sleep-wake cycle is one type of them. Although all creatures experience these rhythms, they vary among different species.

How Do Cockroaches Sleep?

Cockroaches tend to sleep in what is called a state of immobility, followed by a state of limb and antenna movements without locomotion. A cockroach at rest will appear upright and calm, sometimes even appearing to be dead.

Roaches tend to sleep in their nests. So you likely will not find them sleeping around your home unless there is a major issue on your hands. However, if you see a roach standing still in one location, it may be in its usual resting position.

Do Roaches Sleep on Their Backs?

Many people think that cockroaches sleep on their backs. However, a cockroach that’s on its back is most likely dead. Cockroaches will remain dead in whatever position they start dying.

Cockroaches will be positioned upside down (or on their backs) after being poisoned by pesticides. This may make it appear as if they are sleeping. This is due to the poisonous chemicals in the insecticides, which make cockroaches lose their strength and make them roll on their backs as they die.

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How Many Hours Do Cockroaches Sleep?

Cockroaches have three different stages within their rest cycle. These include locomotion, immobility, and limb or antenna movements without locomotion. Within a 24-hour timeframe, cockroaches sleep between 8 to 10 hours.

A study published in 1983 explained the rest cycle of cockroaches when given 12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness. What researchers noticed was that cockroaches’ behavior does not change when subjected to darkness. They are very active in the dark.

Forced activity during their last 3 hours of light, however, proved a significant reduction in movement. Then during the first few hours of darkness, they had remained in a state of immobility.

Where Do Cockroaches Sleep?

The most common place for cockroaches to sleep is in their nest, which is usually behind your walls. However, cockroaches can sleep almost anywhere, but they tend to like dark, cramped places. They prefer gloomy, damp areas and move to their nests during the day.

Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures that hide away in dark and hidden places during the day. Some of their favorite hiding spots include under furniture, behind cabinets or cupboards, inside wall cracks, near rotting organic matter, inside the garbage, and near leaky pipes.

A refrigerator is a great place for cockroaches to hide since it supplies them with the perfect conditions. Cockroaches are attracted to the fridge motor because it provides warmth and secure refuge for them. These abhorrent creatures prefer to build their nests inside or beneath refrigerators, sinks, or cooktops, as well as in other appliances.

When Do Cockroaches Sleep?

Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures, so they sleep during the day and are active at night. During the day, cockroaches will find a dark and hidden place to rest. Their bodies allow them to fit into small spaces. So, you may find them behind your appliances, in cracks and crevices, or small holes.

At night, cockroaches come out to forage for food. They are attracted to the smell of food and will often invade homes in search of a meal. If there is no food available, cockroaches will feed on other roaches or insects.

Just like other animals and humans, cockroaches also need time to rest. If they don’t get enough sleep, it affects their biological processes. For example, sleep deprivation significantly reduces the reaction time in cockroaches which makes them more vulnerable to predators.

Why Do Cockroaches Come out at Night?

Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures that come out at night to forage for food. They are attracted to the smell of food and will often invade homes in search of a meal. If there is no food available, cockroaches will feed on other roaches or insects.

Just like other animals and humans, cockroaches also need time to rest. If they don’t get enough sleep, it affects their biological processes. For example, sleep deprivation significantly reduces the reaction time in cockroaches which makes them more vulnerable to predators.

Cockroaches are Nocturnal

Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures that are known to sleep during the day and be awake at night. Most of the time, they will sleep in secluded, dark areas like cracks and crevices. Although we do not know how cockroaches sleep, it is speculated that they enter into a state of torpor.

Torpor is a state of decreased physiological activity in an animal. This means that their heart rate will slow down, and they will take shallow breaths. It is a way for animals to conserve energy when food is scarce or unavailable. Cockroaches can enter into this state for several days at a time if necessary. However, they will typically only sleep for short periods of 2-3 hours at a time if there is an abundance of food available.

Why Do Cockroaches Run From the Light?

Cockroaches are believed to have originated more than 280 million years ago in the Carboniferous period. During all of this time, they have evolved substantially both physically and in behavior. One of the most noticeable changes is their reaction to light.

In the wild, cockroaches are not afraid of light and will actually move towards it. However, in areas where they have been exposed to human predators, they have learned that a light being turned on means that they have been discovered. And since discovery often leads to negative consequences, cockroaches will scurry away from the light as quickly as possible.

Do Cockroaches Sleep More In the Winter?

Although cockroaches are capable of surviving in very cold temperatures, they do prefer warm environments. This is why you will often see them congregating near heat sources like radiators or baseboard heaters.

When the weather gets colder, cockroaches will sleep more to conserve energy. And since they don’t have a true winter season to contend with, they can enter into torpor for long periods of time if necessary. In fact, it’s not uncommon for cockroaches to enter into a state of suspended animation during times of extreme cold or drought.

How to Keep Cockroaches Away While You Sleep

The best way to keep cockroaches away while you sleep is to remove any potential food sources from your bedroom. This means that you should not eat in your bed, and you should make sure that there are no crumbs or spills. You should also take out the garbage before going to sleep so that cockroaches don’t have access to any food scraps.

It’s also important to seal any cracks or crevices where cockroaches might be able to enter your bedroom. And if you live in an apartment building, make sure that your door is cleaned and free of gaps so that cockroaches cannot come in from other units.

Some rules to follow to keep cockroaches away while you sleep include:

  • Stop eating and drinking in the bedroom
  • Store your clothes and valuables in sealable bins
  • Use silicone caulking to seal up any possible entrances and exits
  • Clean up any food scraps in the kitchen every night
  • Wash your dishes every night
  • Take the garbage out every night
  • Remove kitty litter every night

Will Sleeping With the Light on Keep Cockroaches Away?

Cockroaches are afraid of light, and they prefer to conceal themselves in the shadows. However, turning on the lights isn’t enough to keep them away for good. For example, make sure there is no source of food or water in your bedroom so that they don’t return.

If you’ve just discovered cockroaches, sleeping with the light on for one night to begin addressing the situation isn’t the worst option. That said, artificial lighting may only go so far. Remove any food sources and stop eating in your bedroom immediately.


Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures that sleep during the day and come out at night to feed. They are attracted to food sources and water, so it’s important to keep your bedroom clean and free of any potential attractants. If you do have cockroaches, sleeping with the light on is a temporary measure to keep them away until you can take steps to eliminate them completely.

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